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Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Good Day,

A warm welcome to Penang and to the 2nd GCC International Conference on Global Citizenship Education.  The first GCC International Conference was held in Boracay Island in the Philippines in 2023. 

This conference brings together a diverse group of leaders, researchers, teachers and enthusiasts from many parts of the world. Our goal is to foster an environment where ideas can flourish and new collaborations can be forged. It is hoped that every participant leaves this conference with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration.

The theme for this year’s conference, Building Inclusive Communities through Global Citizenship Education reflects our commitment to addressing the pressing challenges and opportunities in education field. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, and networking opportunities, we aim to create a platform for meaningful dialogue and prolific outcomes for the conference delegates

We extend our deepest gratitude to Asia-Pacific Center of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) who not only funded this conference, but also all of GCC’s activities for the past four years. We sincerely hope that this unwavering support will continue for many more years to come.

To all the associates, apprentices, buddies, volunteers: your contributions are instrumental in making this conference filled with successful and memorable experiences for all the attendees.

Thank you for being part of this conference. Together, let us embrace the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and discovery. We look forward to the incredible ideas and discoveries that will emerge from this gathering.


Associate Professor Dr. Rohizani Yaakub (Honorary)
GCED Cooperation Centre
Universiti Sains Malaysia