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Keynote Speaker 1: Dr. Hyun Mook Lim

Director of APCEIU

Dr. Hyun Mook Lim, born on December 20, 1965, is a South Korean national who currently serves as the Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO (APCEIU). He holds a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature from Seoul National University (1989), an MA from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver (1999), and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Sogang University (2012), with a dissertation titled “A Study on the Politics of Cultural Diversity: Liberal Multiculturalism and Its Critics.” Lim began his career with the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) in 1992, eventually becoming the Head of Sciences Team in 2006, Director of the Division of International Relations and Cooperation in 2013, and Assistant Secretary-General in 2014. He also served as a Visiting Professor at Sungkyunkwan University's Graduate School of Culture Management from 2015 to 2018 before assuming his current role at APCEIU in 2019.

Lim has authored numerous publications focusing on global citizenship education, sustainable development, and cultural diversity, including articles in SangSaeng and Educational Policy Forum, as well as contributions to edited volumes. His research projects have been funded by prominent organizations such as the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding and the Korea International Cooperation Agency. Notable research includes the “Preliminary Study for Redefining Global Citizenship Competencies from Asia-Pacific Perspectives” (2023) and the “Study on Global Citizenship Education Programs of Aid Agencies” (2021).

He has presented at many international conferences, including the Jeju Forum (2024) and the UNESCO Forum on Racism and Discrimination (2021), and has been invited to deliver lectures at institutions such as the Korean Home Economics Education Association (2024) and Chungnam National University (2021). In recognition of his contributions, Lim was awarded a Doctor of Humanities Honoris Causa by the Philippine Normal University in 2023. His additional activities include serving on the Board of the Korean Society for Environmental Education (2017-2018) and the Korean Committee for the Man and Biosphere (2016-2017), as well as being a member of the Steering Committee for the Bioethics Policy Center designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea (2008-2010).

Areas of Expertise

  • Global Citizenship Education

  • Sustainable Development

  • Cultural Diversity

Keynote Speaker 2: Prof. Dato' Dr. Sivamurugan Pandian

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Professor Dato’ Dr. Sivamurugan Pandian is a lecturer at the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).  He has a BA in Anthropology and Sociology from University of Malaya, Malaysia and pursued his MA in International Politics at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan; and Ph.D in Political Sociology from University of Malaya, Malaysia. His research interests include Malaysian politics, leadership, political behavior, ethnic relations and election studies. He is the author/editor of several books and has contributed articles to numerous journals, magazines and newspaper. He was a US Government International Visitor Leadership Program participant; one of the ASEAN – Republic of Korea Academic Exchange Fellowship recipients; Sumitomo Foundation, Japan fellowship recipient; JASSO fellowship; and Japan Foundation fellowship recipient; Visiting fellow at University of Tokyo, Seoul National University and SungKyunKwan University, South Korea. He was one of the Executive Committee in Asia-Pacific Sociological Association (APSA); member of International Political Science Association (IPSA); and member of International Sociological Association (ISA). He was also the Principal Consultant/Researcher who formulated policies named as KAMI@Keluarga Malaysia Unity Plan 2021-2025 and Malaysian Indian Action Plan (PTMI) 2022-2027, both under Ministry of Unity, Malaysia.

Currently, he is a USM Senate member; former Director for Centre of Managing Disaster (Nerve Centre) USM; and was a Deputy Dean at School of Social Sciences, USM. In 2023, he was appointed as one of the ‘Advisory Council Member for Unity’ chaired by Deputy Prime Minister. He is also one of the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) President Advisory Council member and Vice President for Kuala Lumpur Badminton Association (KLBA).

In 2016 and 2017, he was chosen as ‘Patriotic Icon’ by the Ministry of Communication and Multimedia Malaysia.

He can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Areas of Expertise

  • Malaysia Politics

  • Leadership

  • Election Studies

  • Ethnic Relations